day 1 (21/09/23): no progress so far found an apk on aapks doesn't install found two apks on apkmirror ASUSTek - haven't tried Google LLC - installs but crashes upon project creation ASUSTek seems to be the most latest ASUSTek - installs but also crashes upon project creation so far i have found two non-working apks both of these apks can be installed on the same device links of both the apks digging around in google im gonna see if opengapps has the video editor, might be a stupid idea ok it is dumb because there are no apks day 2 (9/10/23) format is (dd/mm/yy btw): i have found one that comes with vmos kitkat but it also crashes upon startup searching is paused for now, please dm me at @gdplayer.1035 on discord if you find one day 3 (19/11/23): i have given up